DIY: How to Create Your Own Appointment Scheduler

Diana Kersus
3 min readMay 8, 2023


Want to streamline your scheduling process? Creating your own appointment scheduler is easier than you think. Check out this DIY guide for all the details.

Moxly Appointment app

Are you tired of the hassle of scheduling appointments? Creating your own appointment scheduler can save you time and make the process more efficient. With a few simple steps, you can create your own personalized scheduler that meets your specific needs. Read on to learn how.

Determine Your Scheduling Needs.

Before you start creating your appointment scheduler, it’s important to determine your scheduling needs. Consider how many appointments you typically schedule per day or week, what types of appointments you schedule, and any specific requirements or preferences you have for scheduling. This will help you determine the features and functionality you need in your scheduler, such as the ability to schedule recurring appointments or send appointment reminders.

Choose a Platform to Build Your Scheduler.

Once you have determined your scheduling needs, it’s time to choose a platform to build your scheduler. There are many options available, from free online scheduling tools to more advanced software that you can purchase. Some popular options include Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Acuity Scheduling, and Calendly. Consider the features and pricing of each platform, as well as any integrations with other tools you use, before making your decision. Once you have chosen your platform, you can begin customizing your scheduler to meet your specific needs.

Set Up Your Scheduler with Available Time Slots.

The first step in creating your own appointment scheduler is to set up your available time slots. This will depend on your availability and the type of appointments you offer. For example, if you offer 30-minute appointments, you may want to set up time slots every half hour throughout your workday. If you offer longer appointments, you may need to adjust your time slots accordingly. Once you have determined your time slots, you can input them into your scheduling platform and begin accepting appointments. Be sure to also consider any breaks or buffer time you may need between appointments to avoid overbooking or burnout.

Add Custom Fields and Questions.

To make your appointment scheduler even more personalized and efficient, consider adding custom fields and questions. These can include things like the client’s name, contact information, reason for the appointment, and any specific requests or needs they may have. By collecting this information upfront, you can better prepare for each appointment and provide a more tailored experience for your clients. You can also use this information to track and analyze trends in your appointments, such as common reasons for scheduling or preferred appointment times.

Test and Launch Your Scheduler.

Once you have created your appointment scheduler, it’s important to thoroughly test it before launching it to the public. This includes testing all the different features and functions, as well as making sure it integrates smoothly with any other tools or systems you may be using. You should also have a plan in place for handling any technical issues or glitches that may arise. Once you are confident that your scheduler is working properly, you can launch it and start reaping the benefits of a more streamlined scheduling process.



Diana Kersus

Student. A future surgeon. I like to create mobile applications without code